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This section contains a feed from PubMed with recent papers on 'ciliopathy', with hyperlinked titles.

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  • Parkinsonism Sac domain mutation in Synaptojanin-1 affects ciliary properties in iPSC-derived dopaminergic neurons
    18 April 2024
    Synaptojanin-1 (SJ1) is a major neuronal-enriched PI(4, 5)P(2) 4- and 5-phosphatase implicated in the shedding of endocytic factors during endocytosis. A mutation (R258Q) that impairs selectively its 4-phosphatase activity causes Parkinsonism in humans and neurological defects in mice (SJ1^(RQ)KI mice). Studies of these mice showed, besides an abnormal assembly state of endocytic factors at synapses, the presence of dystrophic nerve terminals selectively in a subset of nigro-striatal dopamine...
  • The ARPKD Protein DZIP1L Regulates Ciliary Protein Entry by Modulating the Architecture and Function of Ciliary Transition Fibers
    18 April 2024
    Serving as the cell's sensory antennae, primary cilia are linked to numerous human genetic diseases when they malfunction. DZIP1L, identified as one of the genetic causes of human autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD), is an evolutionarily conserved ciliary basal body protein. Although it has been reported that DZIP1L is involved in the ciliary entry of PKD proteins, the underlying mechanism remains elusive. Here, an uncharacterized role of DZIP1L is reported in modulating the...
  • CFAP47 is a novel causative gene implicated in X-linked polycystic kidney disease
    18 April 2024
    Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a well-described condition in which ~80% of cases have a genetic explanation, while the genetic basis of sporadic cystic kidney disease in adults remains unclear in ~30% of cases. This study aimed to identify novel genes associated with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) in patients with sporadic cystic kidney disease in which a clear genetic change was not identified in established genes. A next-generation sequencing panel analyzed known...
  • Correlation Between HIF1-A Expression and Airway Remodeling in COPD
    18 April 2024
    CONCLUSION: The findings suggest a correlation between increased HIF-1α expression and COPD airway remodelling. This study provides novel evidence that HIF-1α may be a potential biomarker for airway remodelling in COPD patients.
  • STMND1 is A Phylogenetically Ancient Stathmin which Localizes to Motile Cilia and Exhibits Nuclear Translocation that Is Inhibited When Soluble Tubulin Concentration Increases
    17 April 2024
    Stathmins are small, unstructured proteins that bind tubulin dimers and are implicated in several human diseases, but whose function remains unknown. We characterized a new stathmin, STMND1 (Stathmin Domain Containing 1) as the human representative of an ancient sub-family. STMND1 features a N-terminal myristoylated and palmitoylated motif which directs it to membranes and a tubulin-binding stathmin-like domain (SLD) that contains an internal nuclear localization signal. Biochemistry and...